General Information

What is The Global STEM Nexus?

The Global STEM Nexus is an international non-profit organization dedicated to revolutionizing accessibility to STEM education worldwide. Through a diverse array of programs, initiatives, and partnerships, The Global STEM Nexus aims to empower individuals of all backgrounds to engage with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Our mission is to foster innovation, collaboration, and inclusivity in STEM education, ultimately shaping a brighter future for all.

How was The Global STEM Nexus founded?

The Global STEM Nexus was founded by a passionate individual, Afif Chamseddine, who shared a common vision with a group of students for advancing STEM education on a global scale. The idea originated from the founder's collective experiences and observations of the disparities in STEM education access and opportunities around the world. Motivated by a desire to make a tangible impact and address these challenges, the founder established The Global STEM Nexus as a platform for positive change. Through dedication, collaboration, and a shared commitment to excellence, the organization was officially founded, marking the beginning of its journey to transform STEM education worldwide.

What is the mission of The Global STEM Nexus?

The mission of The Global STEM Nexus is to transform the landscape of STEM education globally. Our aim is to empower individuals from diverse backgrounds to actively participate in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Through creative initiatives, collaborative efforts, and strategic partnerships, we endeavor to promote inclusivity, cooperation, and excellence in STEM education. Ultimately, our objective is to cultivate a brighter future by inspiring and preparing future generations of STEM leaders and innovators.

Who can participate in The Global STEM Nexus programs?

The Global STEM Nexus programs primarily target high school students due to their rigorous nature. However, we welcome applications from motivated middle school students who feel they possess the competence and passion to engage with our programs. Our aim is to provide opportunities for ambitious students across age groups to participate in enriching STEM experiences and foster their growth and development in these fields.

Is The Global STEM Nexus a non-profit organization?


Programs and Initiatives

What programs and initiatives does The Global STEM Nexus offer?

The Global STEM Nexus offers a diverse range of programs and initiatives aimed at fostering engagement and brilliance in STEM education. These include:

1. Ambassador Programs: The Global STEM Nexus offers three distinct Ambassador Programs tailored to different audiences:
- Student Ambassador Program:
Designed for high school and middle school students passionate about STEM, this program provides opportunities for leadership development, community engagement, and advocacy in STEM education.
- Individual Ambassador Program:
Open to individuals of all backgrounds and ages, this program allows participants to freelance and recruit from various schools and international networks to promote STEM education initiatives.
- Industry Professionals Ambassador Program:
Geared towards graduate-level students, paid interns, and employees in STEM-related fields, this program offers opportunities for industry professionals to contribute their expertise and mentor the next generation of STEM leaders.

2. Training Sessions: The Global STEM Nexus conducts training sessions aimed at enhancing participants' skills and knowledge in STEM-related areas. These sessions cover a wide range of topics, including research methodologies, public speaking, leadership, and project management.

3. Simulations of Scientific Committees: Through simulations of ten scientific committees, participants have the opportunity to engage in diplomatic competitions, debates, and discussions on pressing global issues in STEM fields. These simulations provide a platform for collaborative problem-solving and critical thinking, fostering a deeper understanding of real-world challenges in STEM.

4. The STEMinist Blog: The Global STEM Nexus has recently launched The STEMinist Blog, providing a platform for international students to publish their short pieces of work related to STEM. Submissions undergo thorough review by an experienced collegiate student review committee to ensure correct delivery and adherence to standards. This initiative aims to showcase diverse perspectives and amplify the voices of emerging STEM leaders from around the world.

5. Podcast: The Global STEM Nexus is working on launching a podcast to complement its blog posts and monthly newsletters. Hosted by pioneering students like yourself, the podcast will feature insightful discussions, interviews with STEM experts, and inspiring stories from the STEM community. It aims to provide an engaging platform for sharing knowledge, sparking curiosity, and inspiring action in STEM education.

Overall, The Global STEM Nexus is dedicated to providing innovative and impactful programs and initiatives that empower individuals worldwide to excel in STEM education and make a positive difference in the world.

How do I apply for The Global STEM Nexus programs?

To apply for The Global STEM Nexus programs, follow these simple steps:

1. Visit our "Programmes" page on our website to explore the various programs and initiatives offered by The Global STEM Nexus.
2. Register for an information session to learn more about the programs and how to get involved. These sessions provide valuable insights into the goals, structure, and benefits of each program.
3. Explore the different simulations of committees in our new edition of the competition to find the ones that align with your interests and expertise.
4. Complete the Google Forms application for the program(s) you wish to participate in. Our streamlined application process ensures a smooth experience, with user-friendly forms that are easy to navigate and complete. We prioritize accessibility and inclusivity, ensuring that the application process does not serve as a barrier to participation.
5. Once you've submitted your application, our team will review it carefully to assess your suitability for the program. We'll reach out to you shortly after reviewing your application to discuss the next steps in the application process.

Thank you for your interest in joining The Global STEM Nexus community! We look forward to receiving your application and welcoming you to our programs.

What are the eligibility criteria for participating in The Global STEM Nexus programs?

The eligibility criteria for participating in The Global STEM Nexus programs are as follows:

- Be a school student: Our programs are primarily tailored for high school students. However, we welcome applications from middle-schoolers as well. In response to the interest from middle-schoolers, we promise to develop a junior platform to cater to their needs.
- Encouraged to apply: Any school student — regardless of class, level, educational system, background, nationality, or institution — is encouraged to apply. We believe in inclusivity and diversity, and we welcome students from all walks of life to join our programs.

At The Global STEM Nexus, we strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment where students from diverse backgrounds can come together to explore their interests in STEM and make a positive impact on the world. We believe that everyone has the potential to contribute to our community, and we look forward to welcoming students of all ages and backgrounds to our programs.

Can students from any country participate in The Global STEM Nexus programs?

Yes, students from any country can participate in The Global STEM Nexus programs. Our programs are designed to be accessible to students worldwide, as they are primarily conducted online. Regardless of your location or time zone, you can join our programs and engage in enriching STEM experiences from the comfort of your own home. We believe in breaking down geographical barriers and providing equal opportunities for students from all corners of the globe to participate in our initiatives.

Are there any fees associated with participating in The Global STEM Nexus programs?


Are there any age requirements for participating in The Global STEM Nexus programs?

No, there are no strict age requirements for participating in The Global STEM Nexus programs. While our programs are primarily tailored for high school students, we also welcome applications from middle schoolers and individuals of varying ages who demonstrate a passion for STEM education and a desire to make a positive impact in the field. We believe in providing opportunities for students of all ages to engage with STEM disciplines and contribute to our community, regardless of their age or educational background. As long as you have the enthusiasm and dedication to participate in our programs, you are encouraged to apply and join us in our mission to revolutionize STEM education worldwide.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Does The Global STEM Nexus collaborate with other organizations or institutions?

As of today, The Global STEM Nexus primarily operates independently, focusing on our mission to revolutionize STEM education worldwide. However, we have established an unofficial partnership with Perspectrix, a community with over 800 international students, where our organization has made its mark and laid its blueprint for future collaboration. While we currently operate single-handedly, we are open to building more solid connections and partnerships with other organizations or institutions in the future. We believe in the power of collaboration and are eager to explore potential opportunities for collaboration with like-minded entities. If you're interested in partnering with us or exploring collaboration opportunities, please don't hesitate to reach out. We welcome collaborations that align with our mission and values, and we look forward to working together to make a positive impact in the field of STEM education.

How can my organization or institution contact The Global STEM Nexus regarding partnership opportunities?

To contact The Global STEM Nexus regarding partnership opportunities, simply visit our "Contact Us" page on our website and fill out the contact form to send us a message. We welcome inquiries and proposals from organizations and institutions interested in collaborating with us to advance STEM education and make a positive impact in the world. Our team will review your message and get back to you as soon as possible to discuss potential partnership opportunities further. Thank you for considering partnering with The Global STEM Nexus, and we look forward to hearing from you!

What benefits do partners receive from collaborating with The Global STEM Nexus?

Partners collaborating with The Global STEM Nexus enjoy a myriad of benefits, including extensive exposure and recognition across various platforms. Partners are prominently featured on our website, highlighted during information sessions, and showcased within our community of 800+ international students. Additionally, partners receive visibility through our active presence on social media accounts and are poised to be featured in our upcoming podcast series, amplifying their reach and impact. Beyond visibility, partners have the opportunity to align with a dynamic and innovative organization dedicated to revolutionizing STEM education worldwide, fostering meaningful connections, and making a lasting difference in the lives of students and communities globally.

Are there any requirements for organizations or institutions to become partners of The Global STEM Nexus?

There are no specific requirements for organizations or institutions to become partners of The Global STEM Nexus. We welcome inquiries and proposals from a wide range of entities, including educational institutions, non-profit organizations, corporations, and government agencies, among others. Our goal is to foster collaboration and mutual support in advancing STEM education worldwide, and we believe in being inclusive and open to partnerships that align with our mission and values. If you're interested in exploring partnership opportunities with us, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Support and Resources

What support and resources does The Global STEM Nexus provide to participants?

The Global STEM Nexus provides participants with a comprehensive range of support and resources to enhance their experience and success. Upon registration, participants gain access to informative info sessions and training sessions featuring a panel of guest speakers, offering valuable insights and guidance. Additionally, participants receive comprehensive background guides to direct their research and preparation for competitions. Our inspiring blog posts and ongoing support from our dedicated team further enrich participants' journey, ensuring they have the tools, knowledge, and encouragement needed to excel in STEM education and make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.

Are there mentorship opportunities available through The Global STEM Nexus?

Yes, The Global STEM Nexus offers mentorship opportunities to participants as part of our commitment to fostering growth and development in STEM education, as stated above.

How does The Global STEM Nexus support participants with limited access to resources or technology?

While we'd love to extend our support to those with no internet connection, unfortunately, as our organization is online-based, this is beyond our control. However, for participants experiencing technical issues during meetings and conference sessions, our dedicated IT team is always available to provide assistance. Additionally, sessions are recorded, ensuring that participants can access content at their convenience even if they encounter technological challenges during live events. We remain committed to providing inclusive and accessible opportunities for all participants, and we encourage individuals facing barriers to reach out to us for assistance.

Can participants access recorded sessions or materials after the program ends?

Yes, participants can access recorded sessions and materials after the program ends, while preserving copyright.

Is there a community forum or platform for participants to connect and collaborate with each other?

Yes, The Global STEM Nexus is working on establishing a community forum or platform for participants to connect and collaborate with each other. While our team is currently considering options such as Microsoft Teams, Discord, or Slack, we're in the process of finalizing the platform that best suits our participants' needs. We encourage you to keep an eye on your inbox and check this section of the FAQ for updates, as we'll be providing more information soon.

Logistics and Technical Details

What are the technical requirements for participating in The Global STEM Nexus programs?

Simply, a device with a stable internet connection!

How are sessions conducted in The Global STEM Nexus programs?

Sessions in The Global STEM Nexus programs are conducted online. While the specific platform used will be communicated to participants at a later time, rest assured that all sessions will be conducted virtually for convenience and accessibility.

What is the duration and schedule of The Global STEM Nexus programs?

The duration and schedule of The Global STEM Nexus programs vary depending on the specific activities and events. For the upcoming competition, it will take place on June 28, 29, and 30. Corresponding training sessions will be conducted from mid-May to late June to prepare participants for the competition. Background guides are expected to be released between late May and early June. Due to the fact that all programs and initiatives of The Global STEM Nexus are international, specific timings for conference sessions will be communicated later via email, after delegate registration closes. However, what we know is that the ultimate dates for the competition are June 28, 29, and 30.

Is there a deadline for delegate registration?

Yes, the deadline for delegate registration is May 31st, 2024, for our upcoming cohort.

How are participants selected for The Global STEM Nexus programs?

Participants for The Global STEM Nexus programs are selected through a thorough review process. After completing the Google Forms application and submitting it, our team carefully reviews each application. As continuously emphasized by our organization, we welcome all applicants from diverse backgrounds to participate in this unique experience. We encourage applicants to demonstrate their passion for shaping the future through STEM. Your enthusiasm and commitment to making a difference in STEMming a better tomorrow is what we're looking for. Apply now!

Are applications to the ambassador programs open all year round?


Customer Service

How can I contact The Global STEM Nexus for general inquiries?

If you have general inquiries, we encourage you to first visit our thorough FAQ page, where you may find answers to commonly asked questions. If your question is not addressed there, please feel free to visit our "Contact Us" page on our website. From there, you can fill out the contact form to send us a message, and our team will get back to you as soon as possible. We strive to provide prompt and helpful responses to all inquiries and look forward to assisting you. Thank you for your interest in The Global STEM Nexus!

Is there a customer support helpline or email for technical assistance during programs?

Prior to enrolling in our programs, you can reach out to us through our "Contact Us" page on our website for any inquiries or technical assistance you may need. Once you're enrolled in our programs, our support team will be available 24/7 to assist you with anything you need, whether it's navigating the platform where the competition will take place or using email communication. Additionally, you'll receive contact information from us after you apply, ensuring that you have direct access to our support team for timely assistance. We're committed to providing a seamless and supportive experience for all participants, and we're here to help every step of the way.

Are there social media channels where I can connect with The Global STEM Nexus?

At the moment, our Instagram and TikTok pages are under construction as we work to bring you engaging content. We're also in the process of launching our YouTube channel (for our podcast) to further connect with our community. Stay tuned for updates on our social media channels, where you'll find exciting content, updates on our programs, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into The Global STEM Nexus. We look forward to connecting with you soon (on means other than this website)!

How can I stay updated on news and announcements from The Global STEM Nexus?

To stay updated on news and announcements from The Global STEM Nexus, we mainly recommend subscribing to our mailing list. Simply enter your email address in the subscription form provided below, and you'll receive regular updates directly to your inbox. Additionally, we encourage you to check our website regularly for any updates, news, or announcements. Once our social media accounts are up and running, you'll also be able to follow us on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube for the latest updates and behind-the-scenes content. Thank you for your interest in staying connected with The Global STEM Nexus, and we look forward to keeping you informed about our exciting initiatives and programs!

Are there opportunities for volunteers to get involved with The Global STEM Nexus?

Yes, there are ample opportunities for volunteers to get involved with The Global STEM Nexus! Our Ambassador Programs offer unique opportunities for individuals to contribute to our mission of advancing STEM education worldwide. Additionally, The STEMinist Blog provides a platform for volunteers to submit their proposals and share their insights and experiences in STEM. We're continuously exploring new avenues for volunteering and welcome your ideas and suggestions. Whether you're interested in mentoring, event planning, content creation, or other areas of volunteering, we encourage you to reach out with your potential ideas. Together, we can make a meaningful impact in the world of STEM education!