General Information

What is The Global STEM Nexus?

How was The Global STEM Nexus founded?

What is the mission of The Global STEM Nexus?

Who can participate in The Global STEM Nexus programs?

Is The Global STEM Nexus a non-profit organization?

Programs and Initiatives

What programs and initiatives does The Global STEM Nexus offer?

How do I apply for The Global STEM Nexus programs?

What are the eligibility criteria for participating in The Global STEM Nexus programs?

Can students from any country participate in The Global STEM Nexus programs?

Are there any fees associated with participating in The Global STEM Nexus programs?

Are there any age requirements for participating in The Global STEM Nexus programs?

Partnerships and Collaborations

Does The Global STEM Nexus collaborate with other organizations or institutions?

How can my organization or institution partner with The Global STEM Nexus?

What benefits do partners receive from collaborating with The Global STEM Nexus?

Are there any requirements for organizations or institutions to become partners of The Global STEM Nexus?

How can I contact The Global STEM Nexus regarding partnership opportunities?

Support and Resources

What support and resources does The Global STEM Nexus provide to participants?

Are there mentorship opportunities available through The Global STEM Nexus?

How does The Global STEM Nexus support participants with limited access to resources or technology?

Can participants access recorded sessions or materials after the program ends?

Is there a community forum or platform for participants to connect and collaborate with each other?

Logistics and Technical Details

What are the technical requirements for participating in The Global STEM Nexus programs?

How are sessions conducted in The Global STEM Nexus programs?

What is the duration and schedule of The Global STEM Nexus programs?

Is there a deadline for delegate registration?

How are participants selected for The Global STEM Nexus programs?

Are applications to the ambassador programs open all year round?